The Staff Senate General Election is held at the end of each Spring semester to determine who will fill open seats beginning after the conclusion of the Spring semester. If you are not sure if the person you would like to nominate is eligible to serve as a Staff Senator, please review the membership eligibility and service expectations on the Elections page.

  • Staff members are welcome to nominate themselves or a colleague, even if they work in a different division. However, staff may only vote within their own administrative unit.
  • Senators serve two year terms with roughly half of the Senate being up for election each year. Some of the larger divisions, like Academic Affairs or Finance & Administration, always have at least one seat open due to their size. However, smaller units may only have one or two senators and therefore may not have an opening every year. 
  • A representative of the Staff Senate will contact nominees to inform them of their status or let them know what their next steps are, but anyone can request additional information or assistance by emailing

2024 Ballots were emailed to Divisions with available seats via Qualtrics, please check Junk E-Mail and Clutter folders if the message is not in your Inbox.


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