Staff Spotlight Kate Denton

Kate Denton sitting near a flower bed.

What is your name?
Kate Denton

How long have you been at UNT?
I've been working at UNT since May 2018.

What is your role for maintaining campus?
Currently, I'm a Landscape Supervisor, overseeing trash recycling and student workers. I have worked in landscape irrigation and Work Control prior to this position.

What do you find most rewarding about your job?
Currently, I take pride in getting to see my student workers learning about campus and ground maintenance. It's rewarding to see them take advantage of the new opportunities we provide, and to see them flourish with our crews. The campus is shaping up well because we're working together as a team.

Any other fun facts they want to share about their job or love of UNT?
UNT is a beautiful campus; it's a lot of work to manage but I love how it brings us together as a team. I most look forward to days that I get to go out and help my crews in the field. Our crew leaders are fantastic with the students and I appreciate them so much!

Do you have any fun tips to share on ground maintenance?
Definitely do your research on plants before you select them; it's worth your time to learn a plant's light and soil requirements. Take care of them and they'll take care of you!

Do you like to do yard work or gardening in your free time? If so, what is your favorite thing?
I do enjoy my own yard work. I love to plant seasonal color indoor and outdoor plants. I'm dabbling in propagation so that I can share some of the awesome plants I've picked up! I also enjoy helping my mom with her own garden and irrigation.